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VNS Ayurveda

VAJIPRAVANG Tablets Contains 400 mg

A products manufactured by Vns Ayurveda it is composed of multirole herbomineral ingredients that are improving strength and stamina, develops a strong immune system, boost arousal and sexual desire, improve anxiety caused by problems in sexual performance, restores natural zest and revitalize body tissues. Its help in sexual wellness, premature ejaculation, erectile dysfunction.

PRESENTATIONS: 10×6 strips


It is management of neurological diseases and pain disorders including muscle cramps, facial paralysis and paralysis.


Vajipravang Tablets prepared by unique herbal as per main ingrediants Yarshagumba, Shilajit, Makardhwaja, Mukta pisti, Gold, Saffron, Atmagupta, Kokilaksha, Hiranyapushpi, Mujantak, Praval pisti, Suvarnamakshika, Guduchi etc.

(Swarna Bhasma) is one of the anciant ayurvedic preparations it is used in ayurvedic treatment of infertility, asthma, tissue wasting, poisoning etc.

(Mukta pisti-Pearl) is an ayurvedic mineral formulation. This incredible mineral formulation is classified as an adaptogen and helps in normalising stress and anxiety. It also ensures better digestion, enhances skin health, prevents infection, and thus improves overall stamina and body immunity etc.

(Yarshagumba-Cordyceps) might improve immunity by stimulating cells and strengthening the immune system, improving athletic performance, reducing the effects of aging, promoting longer life, and improving increase energy, enhance stamina, and reduce fatigue etc.

(Shilajit-Asphaltum punjabianum) is an ayurvedic medicine given its characteristics as a rasayana, increase in longevity, rejuvenating, and arresting aging roles, its main components, one of them, fulvic acid more than 84 minerals, is known by its properties such as antioxidant, anti-inflammatory etc.

(Makardhwaj-herbominiral compound) is an vajikarana rasayana, Its used to improve strength of heart and anti ageing and aphrodisiac treatment.

(Praval pishti-Underwater Corals) is a basic pitta pacifying ayurvedic medicine indicated in conditions of excessive heat or burning sensation anywhere in the body, Good source of natural calcium

(Atmagupta-Mucuna pruriens) is a very famous multi-faceted herb of Ayurveda, with immense health benefits. Its usage is spread from aphrodisiac to neurological conditions. It is used in treating sexual and neurological disorders etc.


Its help to strength and stamina, Sexual wellness, premature ejaculation, Nocturnal emission, Erectile dysfunction.


Each tablets contains 400mg. of prepared out of:-

  • Yarchagumbha (Cardyceps militaris) -024.200mg.
  • Atmagupta (Mucuna prurita) -024.200mg.
  • Vajigandha (Withania somnifera) -024.200mg.
  • Shilajitha (Asphaltum punjabinum) -024.200mg.
  • Mujantaka (Orchis latifolia) -024.200mg.
  • Hiranyapushpi (Curculigo orchioides) -024.200mg.
  • Kokilaksha (Asteracanth lingifolia) -024.200mg.
  • Guduchi (Tinospora cordifolia) -024.200mg.
  • Vanga bhasma (Classical preparation) -024.200mg.
  • Praval bhasma (Classical preparation) -024.200mg.
  • Suvarnamakshika (Classical preparation) -024.200mg.
  • Gokshura (Tribulus terrestris) -024.200mg.
  • Jivanti (Leptadena reticulata) -012.200mg.
  • Latakasturi (Abelmoschus moschatus) -012.200mg.
  • Amalaki (Emblica officinale) -012.200mg.
  • Akkalkarbha (Anacyclus pyrethrum) -012.200mg.
  • Bala (Sida cardifolia) -012.200mg.
  • Shatava (Asparagus racemosus) -012.200mg.
  • Makardhwaj (Classical preparation) -012.200mg.
  • Akik bhasma (Classical preparation) -012.200mg.
  • Jatiphala (Myristica fragrac) -001.500mg.
  • Kamphura (Cinnamomum comphora) -001.500mg.
  • Devakusuma (Syzygium aromaticum) -001.500mg.
  • Javitri (Myristica fragrac) -001.500mg.
  • Dalchini (Cinnamomum zeylanicum) -001.500mg.
  • Ambar (Liquidambar styraciflua resin) -001.500mg.
  • Mauktika pisti (Classical preparation) -001.000mg.
  • Suvarna bhasma (Classical preparation) -001.000mg.
  • Kumkuma (Crocus sativus) -001.000mg.

  • Dosage:-

    1-2 Tablet’s twice daily or as directed by the Physician.


    30 Tablets in Jar Packing.

    Side Effects and Precautions:-

    There are no recorded side effects with this medicine.

    It should be taken under strict medical supervision.

    Store in a cool dry place. Protect from direct light, heat and moisture.

    Keep out of reach of children.