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VNS Ayurveda

Heelcarwin Soft Gel Capsules Contains 650 mg

A Traditional Ayurvedic Formulations, this products, manufactured by VNS AYURVEDA it’s helps to cure of Heel pain,most often caused by plantar fasciitis, a condition that is sometimes also called heel spur syndrome when a spur is present.

PRESENTATIONS: 10×6 strips


Possibilities and to determine the underlying source of your heel pain.

Medicinal care such as proper uses of medicine are often enough to ease heel pain.


Modern Unique Preparation of Dashamoolam (Classical Preparation of Ten Roots), Nirgundi (Vitex Nirgundo), Punarnava (Boertaavia Difusa), Balamoolam (Sida Cordifolia), Erandamoola (Ricinus Communis), Sahacharam (Barleria Prionitis), Parijatak (Nyctantthes Orbor Tristis), Sallaki (Boswellia Serrata), Laksha (Laccifer Lacca)


Heel pain is usually felt either under the heel or just behind it. To prevent heel pain, it's recommended to uses the medicine regularly that will be affected part of the body.

Pain typically comes on gradually, with no injury to the affected area it is often triggered by our heel pain.The majority of patients recover with conservative treatments within months.


Each 625mg Soft Gelatin Capsules Prepared Out Of:

  • Payasam (Cow milk) 650ml
  • Tila Thailam (Sesamum indicum seed oil) 300.000mg
  • Gandharwa Thailam (Ricinus communis seed oil) 025.000mg
  • Shunthi (Zingiber officinale -rz) 045.250mg
  • Eranda/shweta (Ricinus communis -rt) 045.250mg
  • Punarnava/rakta (Boertaavia diffusa -rt) 045.250mg
  • Rasna (Alpinia galanga -lf) 045.250mg
  • Nirgundi (Vitex nirgundo -sd) -040.225mg
  • Deodar (Cedrus deodar -ht.wd) 040.225mg
  • Laksha (Laccifer lacca -ex) 040.225mg
  • Yugapatraka (Bauhinia variegata -bk) 040.225mg
  • Vajralata (Cissus quandrangularis -st) 040.225mg
  • Balamoolam (Sida Cordifolia -rt) 025.225mg
  • Sahachara (Strobilanthes heynianus -lf) 025.225mg
  • Guggulu (Commiphora mukul -ex) 025.225mg
  • Haridra (Curcuma longa -rz) 010.125mg
  • Chincham (Tamarindus indica -lf) 010.125mg
  • Ashwagandha (Withania somnifera -rt) 010.125mg
  • Sallaki (Boswellia serrata -ex) 010.125mg
  • Anantamoola (Hemidesmus indicus -rt) 010.125mg
  • Parijat (Nyctantthes arbor tristis -lf) 010.125mg
  • Shalaparni (Desmodium gangeticum -rt) 010.125mg
  • Gokshuru (Tribulus terrestris -rt) 010.125mg
  • Prushniparni (Uraria picta -rt) 010.125mg
  • Bruhati (Solanum indicum -rt) 010.125mg
  • Kantakari (Solanum xanthocarpum -rt) 010.125mg
  • Bilwa (Aegle marmelos -rt) 010.125mg
  • Agnimantha (Premna integrifolia -rt) 010.100mg
  • Gambhari (Gmelina arborea -rt) 010.100mg
  • Shyonak (Oroxylum indicum -rt) 010.100mg
  • Patala (Stereospermum suaveolens) 10.100mg
  • Pipali (Piper longum -frt) 010.100mg
  • Guduchi (Tinospora cordifolia -st) 010.100mg
  • Ushira (Vetiveria zizanioides -rt) 010.100mg

  • Dosage:-

    Two Capsules twice daily or as directed by the Physician.